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 [Chanson] Other People

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Messages : 324
Date d'inscription : 18/07/2008
Age : 32
Localisation : En Allemagne avec Lulu !

[Chanson] Other People Empty
MessageSujet: [Chanson] Other People   [Chanson] Other People Icon_minitimeDim 20 Juil - 0:00

World on the Street
I´m driving alone
and they called my Name
Have all that he takes so catch my Flow
If every Day´s the same
I´m givin´ my Love like Vertigo
When you need a Change
I figured you out so long ago

And now the Cracks are showing
Moving closer to you

And we can do Anything
Cause it´s so so Figures
Than we should be far far away
From the other People

And we can so fool their Lies
Cause it´s so so Figures
Than we should be long long away
From the other People

So don´t hang around
It starts Today
You don´t need a thing
Just bring on Yourself and hit that Wave
It´s like Angels sing
Don´t shut your Mouth that´s what I say
and We won´t let go
I figured You out so long ago

And now the Cracks are showing
I´m closer to you

And we can do Anything
Cause it´s so so Figures
Than we should be far far away
From the other People

And we can so fool their Lies
Cause it´s so so Figures
Than we should be long long away
From the other People

And we can do Anything
Cause it´s so so Figures
Than We should be far far away
From the other People

And we can do Anything
Cause it´s so so Figures
Than we should be far far away
From the other People

And we can so fool their Lies
Cause it´s so so Figures
Than we should be long long away
From the other People

The other People
The other People
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[Chanson] Other People
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